Roomba i3+ vs i7+: Which is the Right Choice for Your Home?

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Written by: Ryan Sneltzer
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If you’re considering purchasing a Roomba vacuum, you may be weighing the pros and cons of the Roomba i3+ vs i7+. Both models offer great cleaning power, convenient features, and efficient navigation, but there are some key differences that can help you decide which one is right for your home. In this article, we’ll be reviewing and comparing the Roomba i3+ vs i7+ on the following factors:

Best Self-emptying Robot Vacuum
iRobot Roomba i7+
  • The convenience of a self-emptying dustbin.
  • Superior mapping and adaptive navigation.
  • A considerable runtime for its battery capacity.
  • A steep price tag.
  • Can get a tad noisy.
  • Clean Base may be large for small spaces.
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Cleaning Power

When it comes to cleaning power, the Roomba i7+ stands out with a strong suction power of 1800 Pa, compared to the i3+ which has a 10X improved cleaning power of 600 series. This makes the i7+ more effective in picking up dirt and debris, especially in areas with heavy foot traffic. The i7+ also includes dual multi-surface scrubbing sponges, which help to provide a deeper and more thorough clean.

Battery Duration

Battery duration is an important factor to consider when choosing between the Roomba i3+ and i7+. The Roomba i7+ has a run time of 180 minutes, while the Roomba i3+ has a runtime of 90 minutes. It’s important to note that the recharge time for the Roomba i7+ is 90 minutes, while the Roomba i3+ takes 94 minutes to recharge.

Noise Level

Both models operate at similar noise levels, making them suitable for use during the day or night.

Price and Budget

The i7+. is generally more expensive than the i3+, so if you’re on a tight budget, the i3+ may be the better option. However, the i7+ offers more features and stronger cleaning power, so it may be worth the extra cost if you have the budget.

Flooring Compatibility

Both Roomba i3+ and i7+ are compatible with a wide range of floor types including carpets, hardwood, tile, and laminate. The i7+ has improved suction power making it better suited for carpets and picking up pet hair. The i3+ has dual multi-surface brushes that work well on carpets and hard flooring. Overall, both models are versatile and can clean multiple types of flooring effectively.

Debris and Pet Hair Handling

The i7+ can handle pet hair and large debris with ease, while the i3+ also has two multi-surface brushes and the ability to set no-go zones for better cleaning.

Additional Features and Integrations

The i7+ includes a ventilation system, personalized cleaning routines, and can be controlled with Amazon Alexa or Google Voice. The i3+ also includes voice control through Amazon Alexa and Smart Guidance for improved navigation.

Maintenance and Cleaning

Both models are easy to maintain and clean, with the i7+ featuring a clean base and automated dirt disposal. The i3+ also includes dirt management bags for easy cleaning.

Navigation and Mapping

Both models use floor detectors for intelligent navigation, but the i7+ uses vSLAM technology to map out the house and create a personalized cleaning plan. The i3+ also has Dirt Detect intelligence to identify and clean high-debris areas.

Warranty and Coverage

Both models come with a standard warranty and coverage, but the details may vary depending on where you purchase the Roomba.

So, which model is right for you? The Roomba i3+ offers strong cleaning power and convenient features at a more budget-friendly price, while the i7+ offers even stronger cleaning power and advanced features like mapping and personalized cleaning routines. Ultimately, the choice between the two will come down to your budget and cleaning needs.

Best Self-emptying Robot Vacuum
iRobot Roomba i7+
  • The convenience of a self-emptying dustbin.
  • Superior mapping and adaptive navigation.
  • A considerable runtime for its battery capacity.
  • A steep price tag.
  • Can get a tad noisy.
  • Clean Base may be large for small spaces.
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Overall, both the Roomba i3+ and i7+ are excellent options for keeping your home clean and tidy. By considering the factors outlined in this article, you can make an informed decision and choose the model that’s best for you.

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Ryan Sneltzer