Best Robot Vacuum And Mop Combo

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Written by: Ryan Sneltzer
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In our home, the majority of the first floor is tile. With us having 3 kids, all under the age of 6, it is needless to say that we get our fair share of dirt, grime, and stains on the floor.

So for us, just having a robot vacuum wasn’t cutting it. Don’t get me wrong, I still love my robot vacuums, but we definitely needed more cleaning firepower in our robot arsenal. Especially with summertime rolling in, we are noticing more and more dirt, mud, and other stains on the title. The vacuum just can’t get it all up.

First we decided to go with a separate mopping robot. We went with the iRobot Braava M6 robot mop. And, honestly, if you are looking for the best robot mop on the market, the Braava M6 is the hands down winner, in my opinion. We have had the M6 for years now and really love it. But you do have to wait until your robot vacuum does its job before you can mop. The exception would be if you have the iRobot i7 and Braava M6 combo, which will sync up and work in tandem. 

But it did make me wonder if there are any robot vacuum and mop combos that would make our lives easier.

So in this article, we dive into the Best Robot Vacuum And Mop Combos that you can purchase right now to make your life easier.

Best Overall Robot Vacuum And Mop Combo

Roborock s7 hybrid

Roborock S7 Vacuum And Mop

Roborock is hands down one of my favorite brands when it comes to robot vacuums and, now, robot vacuum/mop combos. The newest robot from the brand is currently my top pick for the best overall robot vacuum and mop combo.

Roborock S7 PROS

  • Very quiet
  • Smart navigation and mapping
  • Set different mop setting for different room
  • Good app
  • Easy to set up
  • Strong suction
  • Quality mopping performance
  • Transitions well over different flooring types


  • Expensive
  • Retractable mop head is too low
  • Only comes with 1 mopping pad

So let’s get into some of the things that I really like about the Roborock S7. One of the coolest things about the vacuum and mop combo is how you can save several different maps of your home. 

You are able to set different mop settings for different rooms in your home. So maybe you need it to spray more aggressively in your kitchen, but don’t need it to use as much spray in your bathroom, you can easily set that up.

All of this is done through the very intuitive and easy-to-use Roborock App.

Does The Roborock S7 Perform Well?

Since this is a robot vacuum and mop combo, we need to discuss how those functions work together. The suction and cleaning power of the vacuum is very good. I had no problem picking up dirt, the baby’s puffs, and random debris and food from the kitchen floor.

The mopping function also works very well. The S7 has a retractable mopping pad that will lower when it mopping mode and raise up when it is vacuuming.

I did notice that the retractable mopping pad doesn’t go up as far as I would like and was often rubbing on taller or thicker carpets. That doesn’t really affect the vacuum performance, just more of a nitpicky thing for me. 

How Much Does The Roborock S7 Cost?

The S7 is rather expensive, at around $650. But, keep in mind that you are getting a robot vacuum and mop hybrid. So, essentially, you are buying 2 machines in 1. If you want to check it out and read more reviews, click here.

Runner Up For Best Vacuum/Mop Hybrid

robot mop hybrids

Ecovacs Deebot Ozmo 920

There are several quality options in the Deebot robot vacuum line, but the Deebot Ozmo 920 brings a solid vacuum with quality mopping. It is a solid choice if you can’t get your hands on the S7.

Deebot Ozmo PROS

  • Multiple Floor Mapping
  • Quiet operation
  • Good suction and mopping
  • Excellent navigation
  • Easily customizable routines 

Deebot Vacuum/Mop CONS

  • Expensive
  • Smaller dust bin compared to other models
  • Tall profile can making it hard for getting under furniture

For me, the impressive navigation and the ability to map out several different rooms and floors is what makes the Ozmo 920 so impressive. 

If you are looking for a robot vacuum and mop combo that is easy to program and can remember what to do in several rooms, then the Deebot vacuum and mop combo is a good pick.

Is The Deebot Ozmo Worth It?

The Deebot is rather expensive, but it also comes with several cool features, like I discussed above. If you are looking for something that can clean multiple rooms, or even floors, then it is a good option. 

That being said, it does have some shortcomings. I do wish the dust bin was larger. Since the Deebot doesn’t offer a self-emptying option, the robot has to stop its cleaning job and alert you that it needs emptied. 

Also, if you have couches or chairs with low clearance, the Deebot Ozmo might have trouble cleaning under them. I also noticed it struggled getting under my kitchen counters, which is a key area that needs regular vacuuming and mopping.

How Much Does The Deebot Ozmo 920 Cost?

The Deebot Ozmo is on the expensive side, normally coming in at over $600. But, you can normally find it on sale for under $500 on Amazon or other online retailers.

Best Budget Option Vacuum And Mop Combo

Coredy R750

If you are looking to purchase a robot vacuum and mop combo but aren’t looking to brake the bank, then going with a less popular brand might be smart. Coredy is one of those brands.

Coredy is young by robot vaccum standards, but the company is quickly making a name for itself as a maker of pretty darn good budget vacuums and mops.

Coredy R750 PROS

  • Great transition between floor surfaces
  • Quiet
  • Affordable
  • Good for pet hair
  • Quality app

Coredy CONS

  • Sporadic navigation issues
  • Lacking customer support
  • Subpar mapping

You do have to remember that this is a budget option robot vacuum and mop combo, so it is not going to compete toe to toe with Roborock or Deebot. The Coredy has some shortcomings, for sure, but it is still a very capable vacuum/mop combo for anyone on a budget. 

Should You Buy A Coredy Vacuum And Mop?

While I noticed some hiccups with the sensors and navigation, they weren’t constant and the robot did seem to find its way eventually. This is something that will improve over time as Coredy gains some years.

The robot vacuum/mop hybrid does very well going from hard surfaces to carpet, and vice versa, thanks to its Boost-Intellect feature.

This budget robot vacuum and mop combo will do just fine for regular maintenance around your home. 

What Does The Coredy Cost?

You can pick up the Coredy R750 for under $300, making this a great budget option for anyone in the market for a vacuum and mop combo.

robot mop hybrid

So there you have 3 quality options for anyone looking to purchase their first robot vacuum and mop combo. Just keep in mind that you are essentially buying 2 machines in 1, so don’t expect to pay $150 for one of these 2-in-1 robots.

Also, keep in mind that while these hybrid vacuum and mops can do a really good job, they are not going to do as well as a dedicated robot vacuum or a dedicated robot mop. But, that doesn’t mean that they are not worth the investment. With regular scheduling these combo robots can really help keep your floors clean.

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Ryan Sneltzer