Budget Robot Vacuums With Alexa

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Written by: Ryan Sneltzer
Last updated:

Robot vacuums and are becoming more and more impressive. The ability to be able to automate your home’s cleaning has never been so easy. 

Almost all of the robot vacuums on the market can be controlled with your smartphone or even through a smart home device like Amazon Alexa.

And in a world where almost everyone uses Amazon Alexa, it would make sense to buy a robot vacuum with Alexa. 

Want to hear some good news? Finding a robot vacuum with Alexa will actually cheaper than you would expect.

Here are my top 3 picks for budget robot vacuums with Alexa.

Eufy RoboVac 30C

budget robot vacuums with alexa


  • Strong suction
  • Supports Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant 
  • Come with barrier strips (13 ft)
  • Low profile for cleaning under furniture
  • Good on hard floors and medium-pile carpets
  • Up to 100 minutes of cleaning time on a full charge


The app isn’t the best. Can be slow at times.

The Eufy RoboVac 30C isn’t going to blow you away with its appearance or all of its amazing features. It is pretty basic. But, it will get the job done and it is Alexa enabled. 

The RoboVac 30x has a slim and sleek design which makes it great for fitting under furniture and into tight corners.

You can get it without Alexa, but it only saves you about $30. So why not splurge and get the better, more high-tech model? 

You should be able to grab a Eufy RoboVac 30c for around $279.

Set Up For Eufy RoboVac 30C – Alexa Voice Commands

  1. Download the EufyHome app.
  2. Create a user account in the app.
  3. Power up your Eufy robot vacuum.
  4. Add your new robot to your EufyHome profile.
  5. Follow the instructions in the app. It will walk you through how to get started, connect to your home’s wifi, which voice commands you can issue, etc.

The Eufy RoboVac 30C will allow you to “start” and “stop” your job using voice commands through Alexa. You can tell your vacuum to go back to its charging dock, plus a few other simple commands.

Final Thoughs On The Eufy RoboVac 30C

The 30c is a good option for anyone looking for a budget robot vacuum with Alexa voice commands. It is quite, sleek, and easily maneuvers around and under furniture.

If you don’t want to use the app, the RoboVac 30C also comes with a remote control that also allows you to control the vacuum.

MOOSOO Robot Vacuum – Wifi Connected – RT30


  • Good suction
  • Handles pet hair well
  • Low profile allows it to fit under furniture
  • Supports Alexa and Google Assistant
  • Does well on hard floors and medium-pile carpets
  • 120 minute run time on a full charge
  • Easy to setup and use app


  • Not always consistent in its cleaning
  • Often misses spots in a room
  • Unclear reliability

The MOOSOO 2000PA suction robot vacuum is a very good option if you are looing for robot vacuum that works with Alexa, but doesn’t cost much. 

You can grab one on Amazon for around $179.

The MOOSOO is great if you have low profile furniture. It’s slim design is great for cleaning under low couches.

Also, the MOOSOO is a great option for people with pets. This budget robot vacuum does very well with picking up those pesky hairs that your beloved dog or cat leaves everywhere.

MOOSOO Set Up – Alexa Voice Commands

  1. Download the MOOSOO app.
  2. Create a user account in the app.
  3. Turn on your MOOSOO vacuum.
  4. Sync up your vacuum with the app.
  5. Follow the instructions in the app. It will walk you through how to get started, connect to your home’s wifi, which voice commands you can issue, etc.

Like most robot vacuums that work with Alexa, you’ll be able to command your MOOSOO to start a job, end a job, and return to its charging station.

Final Thoughts On The MOOSOO Robot Vacuum With WIFI – RT30

If money is a factor, the MOOSOO robot vacuum is definitely your best option. For well under $200 you can now tell Alexa to vacuum your home. That is a pretty good deal! This model does also come with a remote control.

The MOOSOO works well on most surfaces and does very well with pet hair. It might not be the most efficient vacuum on the list and its longevity is still to be seen, as I am not super familiar with the brand and its reliability history. Something you’ll want to consider.

Ecovacs Deebot N79S

budget robot vacuums with voice command


  • Very powerful suction
  • Supports Alexa and Google Assistant
  • 100 minute battery life on a full charge
  • Works well on hard floors and low-pile carpets
  • App works well, once it is all set up


Navigation can be spotty, causing the vacuum to miss spots.

  • WIFI connectivity could work better.
  • Doesn’t work as well on longer/taller carpets.

The Ecovacs Deebot is a good option for the price tag of just around $220. It has very strong suction, especially for something in this price range. 

You can sometimes find them on sale for $199 o less on Amazon.

The Deebot N79S isn’t super attractive looking, but it is modern and plain, so it should work in most homes.

The vacuum is short enough, at just over 3″ in height, to make it under even the lowest couches or chairs. 

However, it is a bit wider than others on this list, which can cause problem when it tight spots or corners. It should have little-to-no problem getting out of those tight spaces though.

Set Up and Alex Control for Deebot N79S

  1. Download the Evcovacs app.
  2. Create a user account in the app.
  3. Turn on your vacuum.
  4. Select the model you have from the list.
  5. Follow the instructions in the app. It will walk you through how to get started, connect to your home’s wifi, which voice commands you can issue, etc.

Others reported problems with connectivity, but I never had any real issues. Once it is connected, you can easily set up Alexa and you are on your way to giving commands. You can also control the vacuum from the included remote.

Final Thoughts On The Ecovacs Deebot N79S

The Deebot isn’t my favorite to look at on the list, but it probably has the best performance. It is very efficient when it comes to suction.

I don’t think that I would pay full price for it, but if you can get it on sale, like it often is on Amazon, then I think this is a great buy.

It does get stuck in crowded space.  I had to help it out from under my kitchen table once or twice, but other than that it is a very efficient robot vacuum.

Conclusion On Budget Robot Vacuums with Alexa – Which Should You Buy?

There are a lot of options if you are looking for a decent robot vacuum that can be voice controlled by Alexa. 

The 3 I listed are ones that I recommend because they have good suction, fit under most couches, handle multiple surfaces, and have decent app integration. 

If I were to pick from the ones that I listed, I would most likely go with the Ecovacs Deebot, but only if it were on sale for under $200.

If I couldn’t get the Deebot on sale I would go with the Eufy for just a few bucks more.

The MOOSOO does very well and it works great with Alexa, I just don’t know enough about the reliability of the brand. It is definitely a great price and value, though.

Let me know if you have any of these budget robot vacuums or which one you recommend. Thanks!

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Ryan Sneltzer