iRobot Roomba 695 Review: Good Buy or Waste?

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Written by: Ryan Sneltzer
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Our iRobot Roomba 695 review explores the features and performance of this robot vacuum. Aimed at making home cleaning easier, it promises efficiency and convenience. Whether you’re into smart home tech or just looking to ease your cleaning routine, we’ve got all the details to help you decide if the Roomba 695 meets your needs.

iRobot Roomba 695
  • Excellent for pet hair.
  • Programmable cleaning schedule.
  • Adapts to different floor types.
  • Advanced navigation sensors.
  • App control for convenience.
  • Short battery life for large homes.
  • Lacks some newer technologies.
  • Can be noisy.
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Key Features of the iRobot Roomba 695

The iRobot Roomba 695 combines smart technology with efficient cleaning capabilities to simplify your home maintenance. Here are its standout features:

  • Performance: Excelling in homes with pets, it uses a combination of agitating, brushing, and suction techniques for a thorough clean.
  • Scheduling: Capable of cleaning on a preset schedule up to 7 times a week.
  • 3-Stage Cleaning System: Employs a powerful suction with a power boost for an enhanced clean.
  • Cliff Detecting Sensors: Prevents falls and detects obstacles, ensuring safe navigation.
  • Roomba App Integration: Offers control and scheduling through a Wi-Fi-enabled device.
  • Battery Life: Provides up to 90 minutes of cleaning time, suitable for small to medium-sized homes.
  • Adaptability: Designed to clean both carpets and hard floors efficiently.

Performance Assessment

Our performance assessment of the iRobot Roomba 695 dives into its effectiveness, adaptability, and convenience. Key areas like cleaning ability, navigation, battery life, and noise level are highlighted to give you a comprehensive understanding:

  • Cleaning Performance: The Roomba 695 shines in homes with pets, thanks to its effective combination of agitation, brushing, and suction, ensuring a deep clean even in carpets.
  • Different Floor Types: It’s versatile, performing equally well on carpets and hard floors, adapting its cleaning methods as needed.
  • Mapping and Navigation: Advanced sensors guide the Roomba 695 around furniture and potential drops, ensuring efficient cleaning without mishaps.
  • Battery Capacity and Run Time: With a 90-minute battery life, it’s best suited for small to medium-sized homes, requiring 2 hours for a full recharge.
  • Maintenance and Convenience: Features like a programmable schedule and a low-profile design enhance convenience, while the iRobot app adds control and tracking.
  • Noise Level: At 61 dB, it’s slightly noisier than some competitors but remains within a tolerable range for most users.
iRobot Roomba 695
  • Excellent for pet hair.
  • Programmable cleaning schedule.
  • Adapts to different floor types.
  • Advanced navigation sensors.
  • App control for convenience.
  • Short battery life for large homes.
  • Lacks some newer technologies.
  • Can be noisy.
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Pricing and Value

At just $50.00 on eBay, the Roomba 695 delivers great value for a powerful robotic vacuum. Its efficient performance and ease of use make it an attractive option, despite lacking newer model features.

Final Verdict

The iRobot Roomba 695 review highlights its strengths in user-friendly features and effective cleaning, ideal for homes with pets. Though lacking newer technologies, its scheduling, app integration, and floor adaptability make it competitive. Main drawbacks include limited battery life and noise, considerations for larger homes. Overall, the iRobot Roomba 695 offers solid value, balancing performance and price for simpler home cleaning.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can the iRobot Roomba 695 be used on all floor types?

Yes, the Roomba 695 is designed to clean various floor types, including hardwood, tile, and carpet, adjusting its cleaning method accordingly for optimal performance.

How does the Roomba 695 handle pet hair?

The Roomba 695 excels in homes with pets, thanks to its 3-stage cleaning system that agitates, brushes, and suctions to effectively remove pet hair from floors and carpets.

Can I schedule cleaning times with the Roomba 695?

Absolutely. You can schedule the Roomba 695 to clean up to seven times per week via the iRobot HOME App, allowing for automatic cleaning even when you’re not home.

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Ryan Sneltzer