Comparing the Roomba 675 vs 692: Which Vacuum is Right for You?

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Written by: Ryan Sneltzer
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This comparison profile will assist you if you are interested in the iRobot 692 and iRobot 675. The vacuums are similar but also have a few distinct differences. That’s what makes the Roomba 692 vs. 675 debate so intriguing. Most homeowners opt for the Roomba 675, but there isn’t a big gap between the vacuums. Here’s a closer look at the Roomba 692 vs. 675 debate.

iRobot Roomba 675

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Cleaning Power

Cleaning power is a big part of the Roomba 692 vs. 675 debate. Both vacuums are equipped with Roomba’s signature multi-stage cleaning system. This is a significant point because the Roomba 675 is over two years older than the Roomba 692. The vacuums have similar cleaning power despite the iRobot 692 is a more advanced model.

Both vacuums have dual brushes. The roller allows for seamless cleaning, while the bristled roller is designed to take care of harder stains and tangled hair on carpets. Both vacuums can pick up excess dirt and debris easily. It’s also notable that there is no difference between Roomba 675 and 692 regarding suction power. Both vacuums have 550-600 pa, so they’re pretty even cleaning different types of carpets and floors.

Navigation Capabilities

The next step of the iRobot 692 vs. 675 debate is the navigation capabilities. The 675 and 692 vacuums use random navigation patterns. The vacuums don’t have cameras to guide them, but they still distribute cleaning power across each room. Perhaps you are curious about Roomba 692 mapping features since the vacuum is a newer model. The iRobot Roomba 692 does not have mapping features, which may be inefficient when cleaning some areas. However, both vacuums are compatible with Google Assistant. They are also equipped with sensors to navigate different hazards. The sensors also help the vacuums locate the areas around your home that are especially dirty.


One area to focus on in the iRobot Roomba 675 vs. 692 debate is pricing. The Roomba 675 is available for $200-$240, while the iRobot Roomba 692 is priced at around $300. The price difference between Roomba 675 and 692 is primarily because the 692 is a newer model. However, because the 675 has similar features, purchasing it instead of the more expensive 692 is still a good value.

Noise Level

Both vacuums are relatively loud. The iRobot 675 has 62 dba. However, the iRobot Roomba 692 has a 68db, making it one of the loudest vacuums on the market. This is one area in the Roomba 692 vs. 675 debate where the 675 has a clear advantage.


The Roomba 675 is lightweight. People of all ages can easily carry it around the home. The Roomba 692 is made of strong plastic, providing a compact yet luxurious feel. However, there are some minor concerns regarding the dust bag’s material. The dust bag is made of matte plastic, easily worn out over time. You may be surprised that the 675 carries a handle and the 692 doesn’t. The carrying handle provides an added layer of user-friendliness. However, the 675 has a smaller dust bag compared to the 692.

App Compatibility

The 675 and 692 are compatible with Google and Amazon’s home control apps. You can start the vacuum with a simple voice command. Both vacuums are equipped with standard Wi-Fi capabilities. The 692 has a battery run time of 90 minutes, which is similar to the 675.

HEPA Filter

One difference between Roomba 675 and 692 is the energy-efficient HEPA filter. The HEPA filter reduces the number of air particles floating around while vacuuming. Despite the iRobot 692 being the newer model, it does not include a HEPA filter. If you have allergies, the Roomba 675 is the better option. The 675 has a clear advantage in this area of the iRobot 675 vs. 692 debate.

iRobot Roomba 675

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Final Thoughts On iRobot Roomba 692 vs. 675 Comparison

While the Roomba 692 is more advanced, the 675 compares very favorably to it. The 675 even has unique features like the carrying handle that the 692 lacks. If you want an affordable vacuum capable of optimal performance, go with the 675.

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Ryan Sneltzer