Roomba S9+ Vs I7+: Find Out Who Wins

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Written by: Ryan Sneltzer
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If you’re in the market for a new robot vacuum, the Roomba s9+ and i7+ are two of the most popular models on the market today. In this comparison review, we’ll take a close look at the differences between the Roomba s9+ vs i7+ to help you decide which one is the right choice for your home.

iRobot Roomba s9+
  • Exceptional suction power
  • Advanced brush design
  • Automatic dirt disposal system
  • Expensive
  • May require frequent emptying for larger homes
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Cleaning Power:

When it comes to cleaning power, the Roomba s9+ vs i7+ comparison is a close one. The s9+ has a stronger suction power of 2200Pa, compared to the i7+ which has a suction power of 1700Pa. However, both models are equipped with powerful cleaning systems that can easily handle dirt, dust, and pet hair.

Battery Duration:

The Roomba s9+ vs i7+ comparison also shows a difference in battery duration. The s9+ has a longer battery life of up to 120 minutes, while the i7+ has a battery life of up to 75 minutes.

Navigation and Mapping:

Both models are equipped with advanced navigation and mapping technology that allows them to clean your home efficiently. However, the comparison shows that the s9+ has more advanced navigation features, including Smart Mapping and vSLAM technology, that help it to learn your home’s layout and clean in straight lines.

Features and Accessories:

Both the Roomba i7+ vs s9+ come with a range of useful features and accessories, including voice control, app control, and automatic dirt disposal. However, the comparison shows that the s9+ also comes with a Clean Base Automatic Dirt Disposal that allows you to empty the dustbin automatically, while the i7+ doesn’t.

Price and Value:

The Roomba s9+ vs i7+ comparison also shows a difference in price. The s9+ is the more expensive of the two models, with a price point of around $1,000+ , while the i7+ is slightly more affordable, with a price point of around $800+. However, the s9+ offers more advanced features and accessories, which some homeowners may find to be worth the extra cost.

FeatureRoomba s9+Roomba i7+
Cleaning Power2200Pa1700Pa
Battery DurationUp to 120 minutesUp to 75 minutes
Navigation and MappingSmart Mapping and vSLAM technologyAdvanced navigation and mapping technology
Features and AccessoriesClean Base Automatic Dirt Disposal, voice control, app controlVoice control, app control, automatic dirt disposal
PriceAround $1,000Around $800
iRobot Roomba s9+
  • Exceptional suction power
  • Advanced brush design
  • Automatic dirt disposal system
  • Expensive
  • May require frequent emptying for larger homes
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In summary, the Roomba s9+ vs i7+ comparison shows that both models offer excellent cleaning power, advanced navigation and mapping features, and useful accessories. However, if you’re looking for the best possible performance and features, we recommend the iRobot Roomba s9+. If you’re looking for a more affordable option, the iRobot Roomba i7+ is also an excellent choice.

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Ryan Sneltzer