Shark RV750 Review: Is This Robotic Vacuum Worth the Hype?

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Written by: Ryan Sneltzer
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Are you tired of spending hours vacuuming your home? Then you might be considering investing in a robotic vacuum, like the popular Shark RV750. In this Shark RV750 review, we’ll explore its features, performance, and user feedback, helping you make an informed decision about whether it’s the right fit for your home.

Shark ION Robot 750 Connected Robotic Vacuum
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Overview of the Shark RV750 Model and Its Features

The Shark RV750 is a robotic vacuum designed to navigate your home and clean various surfaces automatically. This model stands out due to its sleek design, advanced navigation, and easy-to-use mobile app.

Some of the key features of the Shark RV750 include:

  1. Smart Sensor Navigation: The vacuum uses sensors to navigate your home, avoiding obstacles and stairs.
  2. Wi-Fi Connectivity: You can control the Shark RV75 via a smartphone app, scheduling cleanings and customizing settings.
  3. Dual-Brush Cleaning System: The vacuum has two side brushes and a main brushroll, effectively picking up dirt, dust, and debris.

Performance and Cleaning Abilities

The RV750 performs well on a variety of surfaces, including hardwood, tile, and carpets. Its powerful suction and multi-surface brushroll make it capable of tackling dirt, dust, and pet hair.

One of the significant advantages of the Shark RV750 is its slim design, allowing it to clean under furniture and access tight spaces. However, some users have reported that it can occasionally get stuck in challenging areas.

Pros and Cons


  • Efficient cleaning on multiple surfaces
  • Easy-to-use smartphone app
  • Smart Sensor Navigation
  • Slim design for cleaning under furniture


  • Can occasionally get stuck in tight spaces.
  • Small dustbin capacity
  • Limited battery life compared to other models

Comparison with Similar Models

When compared to other popular robotic vacuums, such as the Roomba 675 and the Eufy RoboVac 11S, the Shark RV750 holds its own. While all three models have similar features, it offers more advanced navigation and smartphone app integration. However, the Roomba 675 and Eufy RoboVac 11S both have a slightly longer battery life, and the Eufy model is slightly quieter during operation.

Price of Shark RV750:

The RV750 typically retails for around $200 to $300, depending on sales and discounts. This price point places it in the mid-range category for robotic vacuums, making it an affordable option for many homeowners.

User Reviews and Ratings

Overall, the RV750 Ion Robot Vacuum has received positive reviews from users. Many praise its cleaning abilities, navigation, and user-friendly app. However, some users have reported issues with the vacuum getting stuck and its relatively small dustbin capacity.

Shark ION Robot 750 Connected Robotic Vacuum
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Final Verdict: Shark RV750 Is it Worth it?

Shark RV750 robotic vacuum earns a 7.5 out of 10 rating for its efficient cleaning abilities, advanced navigation, and user-friendly app. Despite some drawbacks such as occasional navigation issues, small dustbin capacity, and limited battery life, we recommend this for those who prioritize smart navigation and app integration. However, if you value a larger dustbin capacity or longer battery life, you may want to consider other options.

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Ryan Sneltzer